GFATM C-19 Social Protection (SP) and Key Population (KP) Programme


AIDS Jagruthi Mahila Sangha (AJMS) has implemented the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) C-19 SP and KP Grant, supported through SAATHII and Swathi Mahila Sangha, to help women in sex work (WSWs) groups overcome barriers in obtaining essential government documents. This initiative has been implemented to facilitate access to key documents like Aadhaar and PAN cards, which are crucial for benefiting from various government schemes. By training facilitators share similar backgrounds with the beneficiaries, the program empowers the local community and strengthens their ability to access critical support.

The objective of the SP grant is to address the lack of awareness and access to documents, such as Aadhaar, PAN cards,community certificates, and bank accounts, Government schemes,among community members. The project aims to provide these services through trained community facilitators, who are also from the community.

GFATM C-19 Social Protection (SP) Programme

The C19 RM project, supported by GFATM, is a significant initiative for AIDS Jagruthi Mahila Sangha (AJMS) that has positively impacted the community through the Social Protection (SP) and Key Population(KP)Programs.Through the SP Program, we provided support to community members, specifically WSW, assisting them with Social Entitlements and Social Scheme requirements.

GOAL of SP Grant: Increase access to the uptake of social protection and HIV services for Key and vulnerable populations in the 14 intervention states across India. 

OBJECTIVE: Increase access to social protection and HIV services among Key and Vulnerable populations in multiple states across India(social protection includes – ID Cards / Certificates, DBT enabled Bank / Post Office accounts).

Through this program, we supported 172 members in applying for various Social Entitlements and Social Scheme requirements. Of 127members benefitted with Social Entitlements and 45 members with Social Schemes.

GFATM C-19 Key Population (KP) Programme


Throughout the year, AJMS in collaboration with Swathi Mahila Sangha (SMS), has made significant strides in empowering women in sex work. of all genders through the GFATM/C19/RM Key Population grant. This initiative focuses on strengthening AJMS’s capabilities, building resilience, and advocating for the right of women in sex work. to live with dignity. Centered in the Bijapur district, the program amplifies the voices of women in sex work and improves their access to justice and legal support.

GOAL of KP Grant:

Increase the capacity of women in sex work, of all genders and their CBOs towards building sustainable community mechanism for resilience and right to life with dignity.


Strengthen institutional capacity and sustainability of 132 CBOs serving women in sex work (F, M, TG) (NNSW 70 CBOs, and TAARAS 62 CBOs).


Increase understanding among women in sex work, regarding their rights, and enable their access to available socio-legal mechanisms for the prevention and redressal of stigma,discrimination, and violence.

Legal Literacy:

A notable achievement of our initiative has been the successful Legal Literacy Campaign, which was meticulously designed to educate and empower community members about their legal rights and protections.

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Key Highlights of the Legal Literacy Campaign

1. Appointment and Training of Help Desk Coordinator:

A dedicated Help Desk Coordinator was appointed to lead the campaign and provide personalized support to community members.
The coordinator underwent comprehensive training on essential legal frameworks, including:
Domestic Violence Act: Addressing protections for individuals in domestic abuse situations.
HIV Protection Act: Safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

2.Target Audience and Reach:

We successfully reached 451 members through legal literacy campaign educating them on legal rights and services.

3. Extensive Legal Literacy Sessions:
  • A total of 360 legal literacy sessions were conducted.
  • Sessions included both one-on-one interactions and group discussions, ensuring personalized and impactful engagement.
  • The approach fostered a deeper understanding of legal rights and how to navigate legal systems effectively.
4. Crisis Support and DLSA Referrals:

Total of 15 members from community facing crises were supported such as:

  • Partner Harassment
  • Stigma and Discrimination
  • Assault by Neighbor
    These individuals were provided immediate assistance and referred to the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) for expert legal aid and resolution. It stands as a testament to power of tailored interventions addressing critical community needs.
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District Level Advocacy Meeting with the support of KP grant, SMS and TAARAS


The district-level advocacy meeting was held in collaboration with DLSA, bringing together participants, including key legal and law enforcement officials, community members, and representatives from various support organizations. This event fostered a collaborative approach to address community legal challenges and strengthened support networks for AJMS members.

The attendees discussed a pivotal Supreme Court observation on women in sex work,, issued in May 2022. This event not only heightened awareness of the legal rights of women in sex work but also raised the profile of the AJMS CBO, laying a strong foundation for future advocacy efforts. The meeting featured panel advocates from DLSA, police officials, representatives from DAPCU, DSW, CWC, board members, staff members, and AJMS community members.

CBO Need Assessment


Additionally, a comprehensive needs assessment was conducted to evaluate the operational effectiveness of the CBOs involved in our grant. In collaboration with organizations such as Saathii and Sattva, the assessment revealed that the AJMS CBO is strong and thriving. The findings listed below will be crucial in shaping our strategies to ensure compliance with statutory requirements.

  • Legal and Governance: Ensure all legal and governance documents are filed and documented accurately.
  • Provisional Documents: Obtain and update essential documents like 12A and 80G for tax exemptions.
  • Website Development: Create and maintain an organizational website for the AJMS CBO.
  • Annual Report Support: Provide technical support to compile and design the organization’s annual report.
  • CSR Registration: Begin the CSR registration process to expand funding opportunities.
    These findings will help guide the next steps in supporting the AJMS CBO and ensuring it meets all legal and operational standards.
Organizational Development and Legal Literacy Training for CBO Leaders:

As part of the KP initiative, the SMS team conducted a
comprehensive training program on organizational development specifically designed for community-based organization (CBO) leaders. The training aimed to enhance their understanding of CBO status and compliance with legal requirements. Additional sessions covered legal literacy, HIV/AIDS awareness, and pandemic preparedness. Two leaders from AJMS participated in the program,gaining valuable knowledge to strengthen their organizational and community leadership.

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  • By strengthening the capabilities of local organizations and raising awareness of legal rights, we have cultivated a more supportive environment for women in sex work. Looking ahead, AJMS is dedicated to advocating for the rights and dignity of all individuals within key populations, ensuring their voices are heard and valued in society.
  • Through dedicated advocacy efforts, AJMS has successfully reduced police raids and harassment faced by women in sex work.Additionally, community leaders have gained the confidence and skills to advocate directly with police officers, fostering mutual understanding and respect. This shift reduces conflicts and empowers members to advocate for their rights.
  • The KP grant has played a vital role in building leadership skills among members, who now take ownership of their CBO operations. Leaders are now not only aware of the importance of sustainable funding but are also exploring various avenues for resource mobilization, showcasing increased self-reliance and initiative.
  • Additionally, the KP project has enabled AJMS to complete essential legal formalities, establishing the CBO as a credible and legally recognized entity. This formalization has reinforced the organization’s position in the community and with local authorities, helping protect members and advocate effectively for their rights.
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Total of 40 Members Have Received Livelihood Support from AIDS Jagruthi Mahila Sangha through different social schemes

Chetana Scheme (rehabilitation of women in sex work)

Under this Scheme financial assistance is provided to the sex worker for self employment and to lead a decent and dignified life. A total of 25 WSW received financial assistance of ₹30,000 each to support self-employment opportunities and enhance their livelihood.

Dhanashree Scheme (helping women with HIV)

The Dhanashree scheme for empowering women from economically and socially weaker sections. The Dhanashree scheme is aimed at helping women with HIV. A total of 9 members (PLHIV) received financial assistance of ₹30,000 each to support self-employment opportunities.

Udyogini Scheme (subsidies on loan for women)

The Udyogini Scheme is a government initiative empowering women entrepreneurs economically disadvantaged backgrounds. It provides financial between 1 lakh to 3 laksh and subsidies to help women start and run small businesses,self-reliance and economic independence.Additionally, low-interest loans are provided to eligible applicants to support a range of business activities, contributing to sustainable livelihood opportunities. A total of 6 members received financial assistance of ₹30,000 each to support self-employment opportunities.

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Renukadevi Mahila Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd


AJMS has established its own co-operative society – Renukadevi Mahila Multipurpose Co-operative society, which provides financial empowerment to its community members (WSW). Currently they provide the services as follows: Savings account, Pigmee account and recurring deposit acounts to its members. Also, in FY 2023-24, we have supported 11 members with credit facility to start their livelihood activities. AJMS establishment of co-operative society’s commitment is to empowering its members by facilitating savings and providing loans for diverse needs like livelihood development and education.

Health Camps Conducted for HIV/STI’s


In partnership with local PHCs and government hospitals, we organized 22 health camps focused on ICTC for HIV/AIDS and STIs,reaching 437 community members. Government nurses conducted screenings, testing, and distributed free medicines for identified illnesses. Individuals needing further diagnosis and treatment for HIV/AIDS were referred to government hospitals through a structured referral system for comprehensive care and support.

The graph illustrates that out of the 437 HRGs identified, 269 individuals (62%) underwent HIV screening and testing, while 222 (50%) were enrolled in Targeted Interventions (TI). Among those tested, one individual was diagnosed as HIV-positive and successfully linked to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) for treatment and care. This data underscores the program’s effective outreach, highlighting its focus on HIV testing, facilitating targeted interventions, and ensuring
prompt linkage to ART for those in need.

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Targeted Intervention (TI)

In collaboration with the Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS), funded by the State AIDS Control Society (SACS), AJMS focuses on preventing HIV/AIDS by targeting high-risk groups. The organization promotes HIV testing, facilitates access to treatment, and works to reduce stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS. AJMS ensures that affected communities receive necessary healthcare services, including antiretroviral therapy (ART), and provides ongoing social support to improve the well-being of individuals living with HIV.

The KSAPS Targeted Intervention (TI) Programme plays a vital role in HIV/AIDS prevention by registering and supporting high-risk groups (HRGs), such as women in sex work (WSWs). With total 5187 WSWs registered as of March 2024. We registered 1390 new HRGs with TI in FY 2023-24. We referred them for testing, treatment, and care. Additionally, ongoing support is provided, offering counseling and various services to address crises, social entitlements, and other health related needs.


The progress report details the comprehensive overview of AJMS intervention and achievements for FY 2023-24 focusing Women in Sex Work (WSW) community members. It represents our ongoing efforts through our programs and initiatives.

The Graph 1 illustrates the total of 15614 HRGS were referred for screening and testing for clinic visits, ICTC and Syphilis. 16 members were identified positive for HIV and were linked with ART for treatment and care.

The below graph illustrates the breakdown of total HRGs testing conducted for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tests across Clinics, ICTC, and Syphilis testing categories. It shows that the majority of clinic visits (80.3%) were for fourth tests, indicating strong follow-up efforts. Similarly, 85% of HRGs at ICTC and 88% at Syphilis testing centers underwent their second test, reflecting the effectiveness of ongoing testing and monitoring strategies.

The TB overview graph shows that a total of 42,756 individuals were screened for tuberculosis (TB). Of these, 1.5% of high risk groups (HRGs) underwent further TB testing. As a result, one HRG was identified as TB-positive and has been referred for TB treatment at a government hospital. As part of the Targeted Intervention (TI) Programme, a strong emphasis is placed on ensuring that all sexual encounters among high-risk groups (HRGs) and WSW (Women who have Sex with Women) are protected through the consistent and correct use of condoms. The graph shows that 12% of condoms have been successfully distributed within the community.

 We are actively working to bridge the remaining 88% gap through enhanced outreach efforts, improved distribution channels, and stronger collaboration with community leaders to increase accessibility and usage.

The PLHIV overview graph shows that a total of 332 individuals living with HIV (PLHIV) have been identified to date. Of these, 57% are actively linked to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) for treatment, with consistent follow-up and monitoring.

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The Network of Maharashtra Positive+ (NMP+) Care and Support Center (CSC)

The Network of Maharashtra Positive+ (NMP+) Care and Support Center (CSC) Project provides vital services for individuals living with HIV, including counseling, adherence follow-up, and health monitoring. Field-level community and peer counselors play a key role in encouraging individuals who have discontinued treatment to rejoin the treatment cycle, supporting better health outcomes.

As of March 2024, the Network of Maharashtra Positive+ (NMP+) Care and Support Center (CSC) Project identified 4725 individuals, who have missed ART treatment and care for more than 3 months and AJMS successfully facilitated the rejoining of 4,072 individuals living with HIV into the treatment process.